Create personalized shopping experience
Habbitzz is an e-Commerce platform launched by PCCW. It aims to provide a personalized online shopping experience to customers. Habbitzz is committed
to sell only premium products and provide fast delivery.
During the time I was working in Clarity, I help Habbitzz to design the responsive website, iOS, and Android app at the early idea stage.
My roles
User persona
UI Design
2017, 3rd Quarter
Client requirements
Create a personalized shopping experience
The final product has to be elegant, which can be distinguished from eCommerce platforms, which retail groceries and daily supplies.
Create user stories based on-site objective
Create a site map to provide bird's eye view of the site structure
Create a functional map to list out all features and related information and action
Create user flows
Research and discuss with people to understand personalized shopping experience and share findings on how we can achieve it
After the client have confirmed above materials,
I have created the final UI design
Final UI design

Main page design for returning customer, I have included some ideas about creating personalised shopping experience below
Final UI Design

The search bar should be visible; user should be able to find it effortlessly,
I also included autocomplete to improve the search experience by reducing the work that the user needs to do
Banner slider to promote seasonal product, discount and activities
Member section should display what a returning user would care about
Sales item in wish-list
Displaying on sales wish-list item might stimulate spending.
Recent Order
Allow returning user to access to their order history easily.
offer coupon to users based on their purchase history, personlize promotion for each customer
Weekly discovery
Includes beautiful lifestyle product images with irregular photo grid design, I would like the client to feel like they are reading a magazine when browsing the products.
Product with your favourite colours
Everyone has their favorite color, showing products with the color they loved might capture their attention
User's activities section
Analysis what user browse most recently and suggest a set of products with a certain topics, e.g. travelling, hiking, Gym at home...etc
Brand you might like
People have their unique taste, we can recommand brand and product which have similar style to their wish-list item, browsing history and purchase history,

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